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Boolean Marching Cube

In this notebook we will go through the following process: 1. Surface Mesh Sampling 2. Voxelization 3. Boolean Marching Cube

0. Initialization

import all the necessary libraries and specify all inputs

import os               # for path manipulation
import topogenesis as tg# core
import pyvista as pv    # for plotting and visualizations

vs = 0.01               # voxel size 
unit = [vs,vs,vs]       # unit size
tol = 1e-09             # intersection tolerance
mesh_path = os.path.relpath('../../data/bunny_lowpoly.obj')
original_mesh = tg.geometry.load_mesh(mesh_path)

1. Mesh Sampling

Now that we have everything in place we will run the sampling algorithm to construct a point cloud based on our original_mesh

sample_cloud = tg.geometry.mesh_sampling(original_mesh, unit, tol=tol)

2. Voxelization

Voxelating the point cloud to construct the lattice

lattice = sample_cloud.voxelate(unit, closed=True)

3. Boolea Marching Cube

Costructing the Cube Lattice using the Boolea Marching Cube Algorithm

cube_lattice = lattice.boolean_marching_cubes()

4. Plotting

# initiating the plotter
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

# visualize tiles
p = tg.marching_cube_vis(p, cube_lattice, "chamfer")

# fast visualization of the lattice
p = lattice.fast_vis(p)

# adding the base mesh: light blue
# mesh =
# p.add_mesh(mesh, show_edges=True, color='#abd8ff', opacity=0.4, label="Base Mesh")

# plotting